Michael Lau
There aren’t many legends in this toy world - but there is one pioneer who has reached that status during his ten years of figure design. If you know vinyl toys, then you know from where it all originated (vinyl abuse) where it all originated?? huh?? really?? really really??i have an old sony company doll made out of the same material"nice toy, as well" what do u call that then, crap??!!! yeah yeah michael lau is god to lots of rich bastards who can afford buying them toys!! but comeon!! who would spend hundreds of dollas or even thousands of dollas buying this dolls??i guess people like this mother and johny "the son"???
Mother= Johny!! are you playing with your sisters barbie again??
Johny = No mom!! im dressing up my michael lau dolls, give me a sec im jst putting some pants on my break dancing dude!! HE's soo cute!!!
Mother = oh i see!! i thought your playing with barbie, since it's michael lau you can play dressing up anytime!!! just remember dont kiss the dolls crouch ok!!
johny= ok mom!! thanx you're the coolest!!! {kiss the dolls crouch}
Damn , i shouldve have invested in them KEN dolls before, if i knew dressing up with be cool!thanx michael lau for inspiring us to be intouch with our femine side hahahahaha but kudos to some of your design and for selling plastic things more than what they're really worth , offcourse vinyl toys originated from you right??wink,wink! before you everything is made out of clay ,rock, and pieces of wood,aite??..yeah!!yeah!! yeah!!! i have to much negative things to say about it, but is it negative or just a different angle of seeing things????besides it's all in fun right MICKEY??
a toy designer is as famous and revered as his fans make him out to be ... one man's vinyl-goodness is another's pile of non-functionable plastic! :p