
Showing posts from June, 2006

Chuckie Mouse

One strange night, a strange squeaking sound resonated from my old all star shoes,"that was accidentally soaked in a radioactive material from a Strange lab, years back!!!" it sounded like a mouse, so i turn the lights on,with a bat on my hand i was ready to pound on that squeeking thing,when to my amazement,a cute little harmless mouse (about 4") emerged from my all star!!! heart was melted and i fell in love with it!!

Last Supper Of Punkee

last Supper Of Punkee

Project June-July

Started this project back in late 2005, now i'm proceeding with it and hopefully finish it by next week. please bare with me on the quality of the pix (im just using a webcam with an old computer)yeah!! im not as rich as those brats in mtv's sweet sixteen!!!well, this is a zooming mosquito once it's done, the core of this is a magnet that hold most of the parts, hopefully all of the parts,the none metallic one's will just be glued in. the 1st pix is the body part and the legs, the 2nd pix is obviously with it's stomach and the 3rd will be the wings, ill post some more updates in the coming days' just found out i run out of glue and too lazy to get some..